The Randles
A celebration of the Randles and God's faithfulness
What a combination of Fear and Joy
…to place oneself in the hand of God and say ‘use me’. In 1996, God chose Gary Randle and Noble Crawford. God showed these men a need, gave them a burn in the soul to meet that need, and said trust me. Countless boys and young men were blessed by Gary through his role as Executive Director of HOPE Farm for twenty years.
God was faithful.
The people blessed by and through Gary and Marilyn Randle were not limited to boys with challenging circumstances. The impact of the Randles on the lives of countless others is not measurable.
God is still faithful.
The purpose of this site is to capture the story. Because so many people are a part of the story, this is an effort to gather and display. Enjoy learning how the Randles have been a blessing to others. Share how the Randles have been a blessing to you (follow the instructions below).